Project Overview
The City of Milwaukee consulted with raSmith’s landscape architectural design team to assist the City in making landscape recommendations and updating existing codes. The team has a long history of designing and developing projects in the City and was very familiar with the existing landscape codes. As part of the project, raSmith’s landscape architects worked with the City of Milwaukee to prepare a landscape brochure of design guidelines and graphics, as well as explain and illustrate the updated code, to make it easier for property owners to comply with the City’s requirements.
The brochure was to encompass design and landscape screening, treatment of surface parking lots and other large paved areas. Additionally, the City wished to decrease the total amount of impervious surfaces (pavement) and increase the landscaping within these parking areas.
Use of green infrastructure by property owners was also a goal of the updated codes. raSmith responded to this aspect by including suggestions that would improve the water quality of runoff and promote the use of sustainable materials and technologies.
This project received a 2020 Planning Excellence award from the American Planning Association Wisconsin Chapter.