raSmith’s staff of traffic engineering consultants analyze, plan, and design transportation solutions to ensure safe and efficient operations for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Our staff includes certified roundabout designers, traffic analysts, safety professionals, and a team of traffic signal designers. We also have two access management specialists who are recognized as industry experts throughout Wisconsin. Headquartered in Brookfield, the team works with a wide range of clients including the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), local governments, land developers, and development professionals nationwide. Regardless of the specific traffic issue, uncovering the root of the problem focuses efforts on creating a solution, not just a deliverable. Developing the ideal solution often involves other planning and engineering to bring insight and expertise. Associated disciplines within raSmith range from land survey and structural engineering to transportation design.
What is Traffic Engineering?
As a discipline of civil engineering, traffic engineering focuses on the safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians on roadways. Traffic engineers analyze transportation data and develop designs incorporating traffic flow, road geometry, signals, crosswalks and sidewalks, signage, road surface markings, and other details.
Why raSmith?
The raSmith traffic team prides itself on delivering practical projects that will exceed your expectations for innovation and quality. Look no further than raSmith when you need a traffic study, traffic signal design, or any traffic engineering services.
Traffic Engineering Services
- Access studies
- Expert witness
- Intersection control evaluations (ICE)
- Origin-destination studies and traffic pattern analysis
- Parking studies
- Pedestrian and bicycle planning
- Safety evaluations
- Site circulation and design
- Traffic analysis
- Traffic calming
- Traffic data collection
- Traffic impact analysis (TIA)
- Traffic studies
- Transportation management plans (TMP)