Civil Engineer Bryce Anderson Joins raSmith’s Rotational Engineer Program

February 25, 2020


Bryce Anderson

Posted 2/25/2020

Bryce Anderson has joined raSmith’s rotational engineer program as a civil engineer. Anderson recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Akron. Prior to graduating, Anderson was a civil engineering intern at Nielson Madsen + Barber and an engineering co-op with the City of Oregon Public Service. His first rotation at raSmith will be with the municipal services division.

raSmith’s rotational engineer program was implemented to educate and train young professionals in various practice groups throughout the firm. The program consists of five two-month cycles that include rotations in the municipal services, construction services, survey, land development services and transportation divisions. After developing their skills in these engineering divisions, young professionals are well equipped to join the raSmith division that most closely matches their skills and interests.

Anderson is the eighth person to participate in raSmith’s rotational engineer program since its inception in 2013.