CTH VV (Silver Spring Road) – Bette Drive to Jackson Drive

Waukesha County

Project Overview

As part of the CTH VV (Silver Spring Drive) road reconstruction project (for which raSmith provided construction services), bioswales were incorporated into the design of the medians using a combination of native and ornamental plants.  This type of bioretention design was used to enhance traditional stormwater drainage features to partially treat and attenuate stormwater collected from the expanded roadway and encourage infiltration.

One of our raSmith ecologists performed weekly inspections throughout the growing season to carefully monitor the health and vigor of the plants and continually coordinated with the maintenance contractor to ensure proper plant care such as watering and removal of invasive weeds.  An as-built plan was prepared by the raSmith ecologist following plant installation to ensure that the planting plan had been followed as designed and a final inspection was performed towards the end of the growing season to assess plant replacement requirements.  Finally, oversight of replanting was performed to meet the requirements of the planting plan and ensure the success of the project.

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