Project Overview
The City of Cedarburg, in an effort to reduce the potential health hazards associated with lead water service piping, took the initiative to replace existing lead water services in approximately 1,000 homes. The City hired raSmith to assist with this important project. raSmith provided public outreach, design, bid documents, permitting, securing and administering the funding (grants and loans) including the initial applications and reimbursements, bidding, inspection, and construction management.
Year one of the program was in 2022, and raSmith helped author a new ordinance and resolution for the City to administer the program and help with private property inspections. raSmith provided the initial letters and information and then conducted site visits and home inspections for each property owner within the program, which was approximately 166 homes requiring replacements. raSmith also secured the right of entry agreements for each property. Funding applications and agreements were secured with the DNR to assist with the replacement of the private lead services. Upon securing permission and funding, final bid documents and agreements were executed. raSmith oversaw the construction of each replacement, which included additional site visits with each resident to set up replacement times.