Petrifying Springs Park Infrastructure Improvements

Kenosha County, WI

Project Overview

Petrifying Springs is the flagship park in the Kenosha County, Wisconsin, park system. It is the oldest of the County’s parks, built in 1940, and the largest at 360 acres. Approximately $2 million in recent park improvements included the removal of an existing dam; a new bridge built over the Pike River; reconstruction of park roadways; and improvements to six parking lots. raSmith has a long history of working with the highway and parks departments at Kenosha County.

Special attention was given to a roadway crossing over the Pike River that was causing a hazardous situation, including cars washing off the road during high-flow events. Because all roadways were located in a major floodplain, complex floodplain modeling was necessary before beginning reconstruction.

Further challenges overcome by raSmith’s water resources engineers included a dam removal tied to complex regulations and the removal of a historic foot-bridge with portions added to a new reinforced concrete slab-span bridge. A form liner was designed to maintain the rustic limestone appearance of the historic bridge. Today, vehicles and pedestrians are able to safely travel over the bridge as they enjoy the park.


2013 Excellence in Project Design or Implementation by the Wisconsin Association for Floodplain, Stormwater & Coastal Management

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