Project Overview
raSmith provided transportation and traffic engineering services for the Durand Avenue reconstruction project, which was 0.5 miles in length and extended from Kearney Avenue to WIS 32 in the city of Racine. The purpose of the project was to replace the deteriorated pavement, repair storm sewer, improve pedestrian accommodations to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, add new sidewalk on the south side of the roadway, provide bicycle accommodations, replace street lighting, and improve the overall operations and safety of the roadway.
An intersection control evaluation (ICE) was performed for the current signalized S. Memorial Drive intersection to determine the most prudent and feasible improvement of the intersection with respect to operations, capacity, safety, right-of-way impacts, and cost. Alternatives evaluated included a signalized intersection, single-lane roundabout, and dual-lane roundabout. The signalized alternative was chosen by WisDOT for implementation.