Since 1979, raSmith has served as the engineer of record for many villages, towns, counties and utilities. On a daily basis, we offer creative solutions to communities as they work to both maintain and improve their transportation system, structures, water and wastewater systems, parks and open spaces, and public safety facilities. At raSmith, we advocate for practical, cost-effective solutions. Our municipal staff is invested in strong project management, communication and responsiveness.
Municipal Engineering Services
- Capital improvement planning
- CMOM report writing
- CSM, subdivision developer agreement reviews
- GIS mapping
- Grant writing
- Impact fee reports/studies
- Lead service line (LSL) replacements
- Ordinance and resolution writing
- Roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction design
- Roadway rural to urban conversion
- Sanitary sewer collection system design relay and extension
- Sanitary sewer interceptor design
- Sanitary sewer evaluation and rehabilitation
- Stormwater management
- Water main and lateral relay and extension