Our ecological team at raSmith has performed numerous tree inventories for our clients for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons that our clients need tree inventories for their projects include:
- The project is located in a forested area and/or environmental corridor that is protected by a local unit of government.
- Some ordinances specify that tree removals require a woodland restoration plan.
- Tree measurements are required to determine if an area contains a “Young Woodland” or “Mature Woodland” due to different protection standards.
- Tree identification is needed to determine the number of native tree species versus non-native species.
- Trees with diseases such as Emerald Ash Borer must be identified as they pose a threat to safety in public areas.
- The collection of baseline data is needed for woodland habitat restoration purposes.
- A local unit of government wishes to create or maintain a database of trees in public areas or identify native “specimen” trees that they wish to protect.
While most tree inventories are completed during the growing season, they can be done at any time of the year. Trees identification is determined by leaf shape, leaf arrangement, bark, twigs, buds, leaf scars, fruits, flowers, overall tree shape, and even habitat. A typical inventory includes identifying and recording the genus and species of each living tree, measuring its Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), marking and numbering the tree with a tree tag or ribbon, and using a GPS to identify its specific location. We then produce a tree inventory map using the GPS data collected in the field. Site plans can be overlaid onto the map to determine how much woodland a project will impact.